My stats

  • My health has been checked
  • My worming is up-to-date
  • My vaccinations are up-to-date
  • I have been microchipped
  • I am desexed


  • male
  • |
  • 11y 5m
  • |
  • 45 cm

jealous, wants whole attention

  • Energy Level
  • People friendly
  • Dog friendly
  • Color: red, some white black
  • Hair: long
  • Reason for arrival: abandoned
  • Walking in leash: no
  • Can live with dogs: yes
  • Owner experience: experienced
  • Observations: jealous, wants whole attention
  • Preferences: enjoys playing
  • Medical condition: N/A

Gifts you can buy for ZACK

Food bowl for a healthy life
12 USD

Buy This Gift

Straw and coat to keep warm
during the winter 17 USD

Buy This Gift

Visit to the vet for regular
health checks 58 USD

Buy This Gift

I need food and care

Annual Pawsitive Gift 232 USD

Buy This Gift

I need special medical care

One time Pawsitive Gift 348 USD

Buy This Gift

Sponsor Them All

Monthly pawsitive Gift 29 USD

Buy This Gift

Find out how you can adopt ZACK

  • You must have:
    • 23 years +
    • Accept home checks
    • Prove good condition for the dog (e.g. reference from a vet)
    • Click to Read "Before adopting" article!

How Rehoming works

Browse our rescues, Find your pet

Rescue dogs have been given a chance to become part of a loving family. They are waiting for the opportunity.

Complete the online application form

We want to be fair to everyone who applies for a pet, so applications are processed in the order we receive them.

We process your application

Please be patient while we process your application. If you qualify, we will contact you about the next steps.

Recently viewed dogs profiles



  • Female
  • |
  • 2 yo
  • |
  • 50 cm
Meet me


  • Female
  • |
  • 3 yo
  • |
  • 45 cm
Meet me


  • Male
  • |
  • 3 yo
  • |
  • 50 cm
Meet me


  • Female
  • |
  • 2y 6m
  • |
  • 30 cm
Meet me


  • Female
  • |
  • 3 yo
  • |
  • 48 cm
Meet me


  • Female
  • |
  • 2 yo
  • |
  • 30 cm
Meet me


  • Female
  • |
  • 2 yo
  • |
  • 50 cm
Meet me


  • Female
  • |
  • 2y 6m
  • |
  • 28 cm
Meet me


  • Female
  • |
  • 2y 7m
  • |
  • 30 cm
Meet me


  • Female
  • |
  • 3y 7m
  • |
  • 45 cm
Meet me

How sponsorship works

Choose a rescue dog

Choose a rescue dog to sponsor annually, monthly, or one-time.

Receive updates

We will send you updates about the dog(s) you have sponsored.

Your dog is rehomed

Once your sponsored dog is rehomed, you may choose to sponsor another.

Important note for monthly and annual sponsors: In case your sponsored dog is rehomed, you will be asked to choose a new beneficiary to receive your gift.
Or you can choose for us to forward your gift to a newly rescued dog

Make a quick donation

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Animal Insurance

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Become a Dog Foster Parent

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We send you an email whenever
we add new dogs to our website

$3 $5 $6 $12 Other
With this amount you'll be able to: Feed 1 dog for 6 months