Hundreds of Rescue Dogs need Somebody Special like YOU!

Join ROLDA Global Parents network!

For just 3$ you can give a vulnerable dog the happy life they deserve and become the guardian angel of the next dog we save from the street or one of our senior furry friends already in our care.

$3 $6 $12 $30 Other
With this amount you'll be able to: Feed 5 dogs for 1 month

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Placeholder One Time Donation Suggested Price: $1.00

Minimum Price: $1.00

Placeholder Donation Subscription Suggested Price: $10.00 / month
 / every month

Minimum Price: $1.00 / month

Placeholder Certificate Suggested Price: $10.00

Minimum Price: $1.00

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  • Pay via PayPal; you can pay with your credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account.

By clicking the order now button you agree the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy; you will also be receiving periodic communications from ROLDA. *
Please click the button above when ready to order now. Please do not click more than once or you may be charged multiple times. The information you submit on this page is sent over a secure connection between your computer and this server.

ROLDA never gives up on a dog. We never euthanise an animal unless expertly advised by our highly experienced vet that it would be cruel to force an animal to live on in unbearable pain or disability. We pride ourselves on this philosophy. However, many dogs we rescue are already in advanced years – abandoned by reluctant owners who can no longer afford to keep them. Unfortunately, many of the dogs in our care will stay with us until the end of their natural lives. Many of our dogs simply aren’t psychologically or physically capable of travel and the health and wellbeing of our dogs will always remain our number one priority. However, those dogs that stay with us will grow old with us and live in safety, comfort and with the affection and company of the ROLDA family; canine and human alike.

As a result, elderly dogs now comprise 40% of the total population in our care. Elderly dogs present us with additional challenges and special requirements to ensure their good health. Many senior dogs have dietary requirements or require soft food as they are missing teeth. Furthermore, many need a special fortified diet to help manage chronic and painful illnesses, such as joint problems or arthritis. It’s not cheap to give to an old furry buddy the happy and healthy life he deserves!

With an increasing number of senior dogs that are growing old with our team (as adopters tend to favor younger dogs with less complex needs), ROLDA sanctuaries are in dire need of Global Parents.

Most of ROLDA adoptions happen in Europe. We rarely rehome in the US and never in Australia due to ecological quarantine laws and complicated procedures which will unconscionably agitate and scare a dog after an already mammoth journey. But even if you live outside Europe or in case you can’t adopt in your home, you still can help make a difference.

Becoming a ROLDA Global Parent is perfect for those who:

Live in a country where adopting a dog from ROLDA is not possible.

Do not have the time or means to accommodate a pet though fell in love with a #roldadog.

Currently own several dogs already but wish to support us as a guardian angel.

Wish to make a gift in memory of a loved one or to honor someone special

Meet #roldadogs that need a sponsor like YOU



  • Female
  • |
  • 1y 10m
  • |
  • 50 cm
Meet me


  • Female
  • |
  • 2y 10m
  • |
  • 45 cm
Meet me


  • Male
  • |
  • 2y 10m
  • |
  • 50 cm
Meet me


  • Female
  • |
  • 2y 10m
  • |
  • 48 cm
Meet me


  • Female
  • |
  • 3y 1m
  • |
  • 65 cm
Meet me


  • Female
  • |
  • 4y 2m
  • |
  • 62 cm
Meet me
  • What is a ROLDA Global Parent?


    Like most charities, ROLDA is lucky to have monthly donors – amazing people who’ve decided to donate every month. This type of gift is extremely gratefully received by ROLDA as it enables us to calculate next month’s budget more accurately and anticipate the funds we can rely on. This provides us with the security of the knowledge that our dogs will not go hungry and we have money available for emergency expenses, such as a complex surgical procedure or specialized medicine.

  • How does a ROLDA Global Parent directly help our animals?


    The majority of ROLDA expenditure is on the daily upkeep of our two sanctuaries between which house almost seven hundred dogs. Our sanctuaries were built and are maintained to internationally recognized and EU standards, based on pioneering British shelter design. Our shelters are clean, safe and comfortable. Furthermore, they are operated by our wonderful staff and volunteers who work far beyond their pay and hours. ROLDA needs all the help we can possibly get to rescue more injured, neglected and abused animals that desperately need us and have no other hope of safety and love. Regular gifts, no matter how small, provides us to with a reliable stream of income to allow us to stockpile funds for urgent rescue, veterinary bills and other unforeseeable emergency costs.

  • I am a Global Parent. Is my gift helping the dog I choose?


    Absolutely. We fully respect each donor’s wishes regarding the purpose of informing their donation. However, should you choose to ‘Sponsor Them All’, your donation will go directly into the upkeep costs of all the dogs in our care, both present, and future.

  • How I can become a ROLDA Global Parent?


    It’s easy. It’s fast. It’s secure. Plus it makes an incredible difference in the life of a dog.
    Click here to start
    ⇨ Choose the amount you wish to donate every month.
    ⇨ Enter your details. ⇨ Enjoy the feeling you’ve just changed the life of a dog so much for the better.
    We understand everyone’s circumstances are subject to change and please remember that you can cancel your recurrent gift anytime.

  • How I can help a particular dog?


    In order to help one of our dogs:
    Visit our sponsor and adoption page
    ⇨ Click on a dog’ profile
    ⇨ Select your gift
    ⇨ That’s all. You are part of the ROLDA Global Parents group.

  • I want to help all the #roldadogs, can I sponsor them all?


    Of course. For 25 EUR (or its equivalent in your currency) a person can choose to Sponsor Them All which means that all the animals in our care will benefit from your recurrent gift. These vital funds will go towards our general upkeep with every penny spent on direct animal care costs. This money will provide food, heating, security, medicine, clean drinking water, and a place to safely exercise, socialize and play. This is an extremely precious gift and everyone at ROLDA (human and canine!) is eternally grateful for this special act of generosity and compassion.

  • Do I get updates regarding the dog(s) I choose to sponsor?


    ROLDA cannot afford many paid staff members and those in our employ are engaged in active work both in the field – rescuing injured dogs and providing food and medicine for homeless animals – and directly caring for the dogs in our shelters. We know as an animal lover, you wouldn’t want this any other way. However, it is our pleasure to show our gratitude in a modest, symbolic way to thank the unique people who become godparents to our cherished canine companions.

  • What happens when my sponsored dog is adopted?


    Thank you for being one of our dogs’ sponsors. If you sponsored a dog listed here and during the sponsoring time (one year) the dog was adopted or if, unfortunately, he/she passes away, you can choose another dog to benefit of your generous support. Please click here to find another dog to sponsor.

All our sponsors automatically become members of ROLDA Global Parents group and will receive a special badge, a lifetime-sponsor certificate and your dog’s paw-printed as a token of our thanks, which will arrive framed with the provision of a mailing address. ROLDA respects the environment and minimizes our carbon footprint by using as little paper as possible, what we can be sent by email in secure formats.